Part 29: Mini-Update: Recruiting Brett and the Other Black Reign
Before we move onto the next section, here's what happens if you don't get Lyell or Arieta. Besides, it shows broken characters and everyone loves broken characters.
Mini-Update: Recruiting Brett and the Other Black Reign
(If you didn't do all of Lyell's events, or just skipped over his recruitment, you get this scene after Carmaine's little speech about feeling the same swell of evil.)

: Wait! He's alive!

: Do you think it's possible that Arieta did this?

: But there aren't any external wounds...
Guard: O...ooohhh...ahhhh...

: Hang on. We're here to help you...
Guard: Ohhh...h...hungry. I'm so...hungry.

: Well, his appetite seems to be healthy enough.

: I've never seen a man eat so ravenously.

: Now that you've eaten and had a chance to recover a bit, can you tell us why you're here?

: name is Brett Varner. I was assigned to guard this Control Tower. Not too long ago, a band of mercenaries came, and declared ownership of the tower. To have resisted would have been suicide because their numbers were too I hid.

: And you ran out of food?

: Yes. You came just in the nick of time. I'm in your debt, so please allow me to join the fight with you!
(The next part with them getting to the top, seeing Arieta, Gevas waking up, and Riviera noticing that Arieta's spirit is gone is the same up until Riviera's line "My revival magic has no effect!" The dialogue changes from there)

: Without a spirit, her body will soon die.

: You went to all the trouble to save her, and she still loses! How terrible! Hah hah hah hah...

: Noooo!

: Arieta is lost. All we can do now is fight for this world she loved. I will join you in the fight against Gevas.

[url="http://"]Dailymotion[/url] |
(The Dailymotion video only has the battle. The Viddler version has the battle and the two scenes afterward.)

: ...

: Captain...

: It's a lost cause. I believe Arieta's spirit has been consumed by that...thing. Sereb, I need your help now more than ever. Can you do this?

: Do not concern yourself with me. We now face that which Arieta feared most...Gevas' return. Defeating him will be an honor

: For...Arieta...

: This ugly bastard has lied before. He's probably lying again. We may still be able to save her.
(No, no you can't. Without the Neural Device, there's no way to save her. I believe Mission Complete is impossible to get on this mission. I played it through four times with four different strategies and always got Mission Clear. If someone that's played the game has gotten Complete, I'd like to know how.
Anyway, the mission is just a beat 'em up of all the Yungs and then big bad Gevas. For this mission I used my broken party, a product of a Clear Game file which transfers rings, and a code that you enter on the world map that gives you all armor and gems. This way I was able to give the best stat-raising gems to everyone from the moment you get them. The sparkles at the beginning of the battle are from the Lv7 Miracle Trainee gem. It lowers your level by 10, but you keep all of your other stats. Combining stat-raising gems and the low amount of exp needed at the lower levels creates very, very broken characters. For example, Hans maxes out his attack in this battle, and Riviera knows every attack magic available to her.)

: Arieta, we did it! Gevas is no more!

: ...

: Arieta, open your eyes...

: ...

: Arieta...

: Wein, she's...

: She's...she's become so cold...Wake up Arieta! We defeated have to wake up!

: [Sigh]

: Arieta...
please wake up.

: There was no choice...we had to destroy Gevas. As an unfortunate consequence, Arieta became a sacrifice. She must have known that her spirit would not return to her body.

: So...So, she's really...No...

: Consoled by my companions, I was able to accept the tragedy of Arieta's death, and we buried her with a solemn service at the base of the Control Tower. While levitating, the tower had been moved by prevailing winds of some other force. It had landed in a different place from where it had left, and it was now in Burnstein Kingdom. Coincidentally next to the grasslands where I first met Arieta.

: [Sigh]...

: I know your mood is somber, but please try to cheer up. Arieta is gone, and there is nothing we can do to change that now.

: Despite everything I know...everything I was taught...I...I couldn't save her. She died right before me, and I was completely powerless to help her...

: Wein, she must have known what would happen...I heard Sereb say that she told him once she was absorbed by Gevas, she expected you to kill her.

: She said that?
(Obviously the game assumes you didn't do any of the optional Arieta events here.)

: Yes. It's clear that she had resolved to end the suffering thrust upon her once and for all. It was the only way to break the enslavement to Gevas. I'm certain she's grateful for what you did...and now she is released from centuries of enslavement and pain.

: I know, but that knowledge doesn't make it any easier to forget her.

: Right...of're right. Thank you, Charlone. We need to have an audience with the king and report. We depart at once.

: I wish I knew how to comfort you, Captain Wein. I...I just don't know how...
(This section gets me every time
The game does a real good job of making you feel horrible about killing her.)
(Here are the stats for Brett and Sereb. Brett is like Lyell and Sereb is like Arieta. Note that you don't have to get both Brett and Sereb. You can get Brett and Arieta together, or Lyell and Sereb together if you wanted to.)